Managed Security Services

Monitoring Around the Clock

Digital and electronic networks are by nature always “on”, hence it is imperative to monitor potential cyber threats to these networks, systems, and the assets linked to them as a 24/7 assignment.

While some organization are in a position to implement their own 24-hour, automated software-led or human led cyber-surveillance systems, this is neither optimal nor practical for many types of organizations that nevertheless must mitigate these types of risks.

To help address this need, GreenVault, Managed Security Services (MSS) looks first at your capabilities within the company and then, provides you with a comprehensive customized MSS plan to ensure your company is not open to vulnerabilities.

Monitoring Around the Clock

GreenVault MSS can include:

  1. Vulnerability Assessment and Remediation
  2. Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
  3. Threat and Malware Detection
  4. Log Management, Monitoring, and Archiving
  5. Managed SIEM or SIEM-as-a-Service
  6. Continuous Compliance Management
  7. Access Control and Authorization
  8. Cloud Security Monitoring and more

Our MSS offers proactive security management services when you need them across on-premise, cloud, and hybrid environments. GreenVault’ MSS deployment provides peace of mind day and night to organizations regarding their operations, networks, physical assets, and premises. Our 24/7 staffed Secure Operations Centers (SOCs) and Network Operations Centers (NOC) address the full spectrum of cyber risks through monitoring that includes security devices and assess firewall breaches, and premisses intrusion attempts. They also determine whether threats are spurious or real, eliminating hunting activities and enabling appropriate intervention only as, and when, needed.

Not only will this help you cut expenses to manage and monitor your security remotley but also free up your IT staff to work on other projects.  GreenVault’ is a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) and work hand-in-hand with our strategic partners.



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