Network Malware & Protection

Total Visibility, Total Control, and Total Compliance on Malware Protection

With the massive increase in unknown threats, sophisticated criminal are using advanced tactics to circumvent corporate networks. To address those mass-market malware and growing percentage of content-based network attack such as APT, virus, worms, and trojan, Greenvault has decided to partner with Wedge networks to provide deep content inspection along with absolute real-time protection with Cylance Artificial intelligence.

Total Visibility, Total Control, and Total Compliance on Malware Protection
Network Malware Protection

Network Malware Protection

A growing percentage of content-based network attacks, such as viruses, worms, and Trojans, are being introduced into organizations via seemingly innocuous activities such as Web browsing or remote wireless network access. This trend will continue as organizations turn increasingly to real-time communications with like Web-enabled applications and Voice over IP and instant messaging as the means to remain responsive and competitive. To protect against zero-day and advanced malware attacks please contact us at 

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